19 Feb 2021

Best school in London – why to chose CFBL

Bilingual and multicultural education 

CFBL’s mission is to provide students with the best of French and British educational cultures, while preparing them for life in the modern world by giving them a bilingual, international and multicultural education. 

CFBL offers a bilingual education to the children. Primary pupils are taught 50% of the time in French and 50% in English. Secondary pupils have 35% to 40% of their classes taught in English. CFBL is therefore a bilingual school. CFBL also takes care of recruiting native teachers to guarantee pupils a multicultural environment. 

From CM1, our pupils are introduced to a third language which they can continue throughout the secondary school: Mandarin from CM1, German or Spanish from Year 7. 

The language systems put in place at CFBL allow our pupils to develop their linguistic and language skills to a level of excellence and thus, beyond their academic success, help them to face their future with a real aptitude for openness and interculturality. 

Outstanding school 

CFBL is rated Outstanding on all criteria : 

  • Effectiveness of leadership and management  

  • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment  

  • Personal development, behavior and welfare  

  • Outcomes for pupils  

Teachers know the pupils very well. Pupils of all abilities find that learning is exciting because lessons capture their interests. Teaching has not only focused on improving pupils’ skills in English, science and modern languages, but also on the wider curriculum, including physical education, history and geography.  

Pupils’ attendance is very good. Pupils show respect, tolerance and kindness towards others.  

Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities are doing  well because care is taken to plan work that meets their individual needs. 

A personal follow-up of the pupils 

Our pupils are nurtured in a welcoming environment where they can discover the joys of learning, supported by attentive teaching staff whose approach is based on mutual trust and respect. 

Our pupils are encouraged to interact, to be creative and to take initiatives in our multicultural environment, in which they can acquire academic knowledge and also develop the human, relational qualities which will guide them through their years at school and beyond. 

At CFBL we promote the personal development of the pupils by offering them as wide a choice as possible of group and individual activities within the fields of art, culture and sport and to this end, to promote extra-curricular activities. 

We aim to teach pupils to respect and embrace the richness and cultural diversity. 

At the end of their schooling at CFBL, our pupils move on to a French Lycée in London (mainly the Lycée International Winston Churchill, but also the Lycée Charles de Gaulle) or another school in France or overseas. Some pupils continue in the English educational system.

The school of success 

CFBL has a 100% success rate for the “Brevet des collèges” and 99% with honnors. 

In fact, our pupils are nurtured in a welcoming environment where they can discover the joys of learning, supported by attentive teaching staff whose approach is based on mutual trust and respect.

Pupils’ support, bilingual and multicultural education at CFBL allow pupils to achieve success. 

At CFBL we aim to foster academic excellence by following the French curriculum as set out by the French Éducation Nationale whilst at the same time reaching the full potential of each child. 

At CFBL, the staff constantly strives to ensure the well-being of our pupils, helping and guiding them every step of the way.

An oustanding path for their future

67% of the Oxbridge applicants in 2021’s graduation year at Lycée International de Londres are CFBL Alumni. Indeed, our alumni have the opportunity to join the best universities in the world after their bilingual education at CFBL. 

These universities allow each of our pupils to develop their knowledge in the field of  their choice (medicine, hospitality, economics, sciences, languages, etc.).