30 Apr 2024 poempeace

5 voices poem

CFBL's Year 7 students had the enriching opportunity to delve into the poem “Think of others” by Mahmoud Darwish, a renowned Palestinian poet. This poem, an invitation to reflection and empathy, urges the reader to care about others, to think of those who are homeless, hungry, or desiring peace.

Through evocative verses, Darwish reminds us of the importance of solidarity and compassion. Whether it's sharing breakfast, seeking peace instead of fighting wars, or simply dreaming under the stars, every action is an opportunity to think of others.

This poem resonates deeply with students, inviting them to think about their own role in the world. Darwish encourages us to be “candles in the darkness,” bringing light and warmth where there is the greatest need.

The five-voice reading of this poem, a collaboration between Augustin Trapenard, Dominique Eddé and Delphine Horvilleur, offered students an immersive experience in the richness of languages and the importance of solidarity. This was a valuable opportunity for Year 7 students to discover the power of words and to reflect on the meaning of solidarity in our society.

To listen to the original of this version, visit the following link: La Grande Librairie - Instagram