10 Dec 2017

CFBL Houses

CFBL is thrilled to announce the founding of CFBL Houses, a project which consists in creating 4 Houses for CFBL (like in certain English schools – or in the Harry Potter novels!), each with its own identity, starting with one of the 4 letters: C, F, B, L.

6ème students were to design a Fantastic Beast, 5ème students were tasked with creating a logo, 4ème students had to come up with a motto, and 3ème students were asked to find notable alumni. The project is generating a lot of excitement among staff and students alike.

After an online vote which gathered over 300 responses by secondary students, the four winning Fantastic Beasts are:

  • Chlorofox (Dionis, Lucie and Romain)

  • Faeroceler (Ella, Marion, Lauren, Adam Raillard, Victor, Daphné)

  • Bellynxhorse (Eleonor, Hortense et Salomé)

  • Lamperfly (Inès , Nais and Clémentine)

Congratulations to their creators!