27 Nov 2023 vie scolaireprojets

School life projects

"Devoirs faits" (Homework done) is a new activity, different from traditional study time, dedicated to helping Year 7 pupils to carry out tasks requested by their teachers in small groups. "Devoirs faits" is aimed primarily at voluntary pupils and is therefore optional. The programme began on Monday 20 November, with supervision provided by the Vie Scolaire team from 4.10pm to 5pm each day of the week. A new enrolment questionnaire will be sent to interested families halfway through the term.

"Suggestions box" - At the last Conseil de vie collégienne (CVC) of the 22-23 school year, the "super" delegates suggested setting up a suggestion box to enable all pupils to make suggestions, without having to go through the class delegates. The box (see photo) was installed a few days ago at the entrance to the study hall.

Suggestions Box

The aim of the scheme is to give students a voice in ...

- Improving school life

- Suggesting solutions to certain problems

- Carrying out actions/projects of all kinds (arts, citizenship, solidarity, sustainable development, etc.)

CVC: The first School Life Council of the 23-24 school year took place on Friday 24/11. The council gives a voice to student representatives, with the aim of creating a new dynamic in the school, developing new projects, improving the running of the school and improving the quality of life for students. It is a forum for school democracy.