15 Feb 2021

"Sewing workshop" Project

Sylviane Uhring, parent at CFBL – her children are in 4ème | Year 9 and in CM2 | Year 6 -, offered a sewing workshop for CFBL pupils aged from 8 to 11 years old.

She decided to share her passion with CFBL pupils during this workshop where pupils were able to sew nice monsters using socks:

The manual workshops and, especially the sewing workshops, are very beneficial for children: they develop new abilities and their skills to create objects, and they develop their creativity and imagination.

Furthermore, manual  workshops encourage concentration, curiosity and rigour.


This workshop is only intended for 8-11 year old CFBL students as children used needles.

Contact Sylviane Uhring via her Instagram: LeChantDesCiseaux or by email : sylvianeollivier@hotmail.fr