25 Jan 2022 reseaux sociauxjeux en ligne

E-Security: social media and online gaming

Social media

You may be wondering when is the best age to let your child have a social media account, or have some concerns if they’re already using tem. 

For advice and guidance, read Is your child ready for social media?  

Remember, most social media services require users to be at least 13 years of age before they can register.

Most young people have positive experiences socialising online, but it can be easy for young people to share things or post things they wish they hadn’t.

The simplest way to have information about your child removed from a website, or app is to contact the site itself.

Read reporting to social media sites for more information.

Social media can offer young people to express themselves and have fun, but they could be exposed to harmful content which might include sexual images or videos which could impact on their understanding of sex and relationships.

Online gaming

Online games are social activities, and most have features that allow young people to chat with others whilst they play.

For information about the positives of gaming, the risk of ‘in-game chat’ and measures you can take to help protect them, watch this short video : In-game chat:a guide for parents and carers.

The PEGI (Pan European Game Information) rating system can be a useful tool to help you decide what online games are appropriate for your child.

For more information on the PEGI system and other factors to consider before deciding what’s suitable, read Gaming:what’s appropriate for your child.

Gaming is popular with both children and adults. If your child is gaming, you may have some questions about how to keep them safer. If so, check out Gaming: what parents need to know.

For a guide on the apps, sites and games your child might enjoy, visit Net Aware.