11 Feb 2022

Info and Maths Competitions

The maths department offers pupils many projects to give them a love of maths!

Castor-Algorea Competition Years 7/8

Students from Year 7 and 8 are all eligible to take part in the 1st round of Algorea after doing brilliantly on the Castor : congratulations to them!

Our students have received their certificates and their individual code to continue their adventure which will be ending on 26/02/2022. We encourage our students to practice before attempting the 1st round of Algorea.

Al Kindi Competition Years 9/10

Students from Year 9 and 10 are all eligible to take part in the 2nd round of Al Kindi after doing brilliantly on the 1st round : congratulations to them! Our students will soon be receiving their certificates and individual codes to continue their adventure which will be ending on 28/02/22 (code will be received during half term).

We encourage our students to practice before attempting the 2nd round of Al Kindi.   

La semaine des Mathématiques partenaire de la STEM Week au CFBL 

From the 14th to the 24th of March 2022 : lets celebrate Maths!

14/03 : PI DAY in Years 7 and 8 (in class)

16/03 : Nuit des Maths for Years 9 and 10

17/03 : "concours Kangourou" (online version at home) 

17/03 : a mathematician and comedian will offer an exceptional performance in zoom format aimed at Year 10 students. More information on the comedian :

Source : https://www.comediedesondes.com/presse/

From 14/03 to 24/03 : 2 exceptional weeks "one day, one riddle" on the KWYK platform. The classes are registered, volunteer pupils can try to answer the riddle of the day to win points for their class. A podium will be published at the end of these two crazy weeks.