18 Jan 2021 Secondaire

Mathematics contest!

Castor International competition in 6e and 5e 

The Castor Informatique 2020 competition is underway ! 

Due to the new health protocol, the competition is extended until December 19, 2020.

The Castor competition aims to introduce young people to computer science and digital sciences.

The competition is organized every year, in the months of November – December. It takes place under the supervision of a teacher during Maths class . 

Al Kindi international competition in 4e and 3e

The Al Kindi competition will be open on 12/07/20 until 01/20/21

The Alkindi competition is a cryptography competition open to grades 4e and 3e .  

The security of digital data and its transmission is one of the major challenges of our society, whether it is to secure banking transactions or guarantee the protection of privacy. The aim of the competition is to show students that mathematics and computer science allow them to understand the tools used in this field.

Communication from the Mathematics Department